





提交表格请使用 eform 向助学金办公室提交表格的平台.


9 am-4pm

11 am-3pm 





助学金是根据证明的经济需要颁发的. 一般来说,助学金不需要偿还. 然而, 如果您没有完成您注册的学分,可能需要部分或全部偿还. 点击下面的标题以获取有关每项补助金/豁免的更多信息. Note: For a better web experience when using smaller mobile devices please use your device in landscape (horizontal orientation).

This California state-funded fee waiver program was established to assist low- to middle-income California residents with their enrollment fees. 符合条件的学生不会收到该计划的支票,但可以免除注册费. 加州大学承诺助学金(CCP)不免除学生的健康费用, 学生技术费, 学生活动费, 课程材料费, 审计费用, 或者书籍. Make sure you check your account statement and pay all applicable fees to ensure your registration and prevent future holds on your account.



Students completing the Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or a California Dream Act Application (CADAA) will have their CCP fee waiver eligibility automatically determined. 建议(但不是必需)在注册课程之前完成申请. 如果您在注册后申请,可能需要几个工作日才能免除您的费用. 如果您对您的居留身份有疑问或担忧, 请联系招生和记录办公室,电话:(707)476-4200.


社区大学需要对有下列情况的学生进行留校察看, 在尝试了至少12个学期单元之后, 平均绩点低于2分.0或收到“提款”,”“不完整,或“不及格”标记在总尝试单元的50%或更多. 这与财政援助的学术进步满意(SAP)标准不同.Students who are placed on probation for two consecutive semesters lose their priority registration status. 2016年秋季开始, students will also lose their fee waiver if they have been on college probation for two consecutive semesters. Those students who lose their fee waiver have the option to file a Loss of CCP Appeal to see if they can regain their eligibility, 或者当他们不再被留校察看时,他们可以重新获得资格.

由于第19号议会条例草案(ab19)获得通过, 华润实施了华润大学入学计划. This program waives enrollment fees for eligible first-time students enrolled in 12* or more units in the Fall and Spring semesters (it does not include the Summer term) for their first two years. 符合条件的学生不会收到该计划的支票或退款,但可以免除注册费.

CRCA奖不支付图书费用, 学生健康费用, 学生技术费, 学生活动费, 课程材料费, 审计费用, 或者停车费. Make sure you check your account statement and pay all applicable fees to ensure your registration and prevent future holds on your account.


  • 完成向CR的在线申请
  • 保持12*或以上的课程注册(全日制)
  • 是加州居民或AB540
  • 目前没有收到加州大学承诺助学金
  • 你可以是第一次上大学的学生,或者是高中毕业的学生,在高中的时候上过企业责任课程.
    • 新: Second-year students are now also eligible if they were also eligible during their first year (consecutive) and continue to meet the eligibility criteria as outlined above.

*AB 2, Statues of 2019 amended the qualifications for the fee waiver and provided consideration of “full-time” status to individuals with disabilities enrolled in fewer than 12 units. 学生将需要与我们的 需求方办公室 并被评估为12个单位的全职定义的例外.


Students completing the Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or a California Dream Act Application (CADAA) will be reviewed for the additional eligibility criteria.

如果您对您的居留身份有疑问或担忧, 请联系招生和记录办公室,电话:(707)476-4200或admissions@rajcmmementos.com.


You can lose the award if you are not enrolled in 12* or more units during each term or if you are determined to have attended college previously. 如果你在获得资助后的成绩低于12*个单元,你可能会被收取该学期的注册费. 另外, if financial aid information is received that makes you eligible for the California College Promise Grant, you would be awarded the California College Promise Grant as there are additional benefits to this award that are not part of the College Access Program.




健康服务费:秋季/春季$23,夏季$20 (DN和KT校区每学期$9)



各种课程资料费用 & 书


这是一个联邦资助的资助项目,为本科生提供奖励. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal 金融援助 (FAFSA) as the starting point to determine eligibility. 此申请必须在每学年完成.

奖励金额基于家庭贡献(由FAFSA确定)和单位注册. 每年的奖金从750美元到7395美元不等. 非全日制学生(i.e., less than 12 units) receive pro-rated amounts according to their unit enrollment at the time of disbursement.

夏季佩尔助学金:每学年一次, if a student was enrolled and received Pell at a full time level (12 or more units) for both Fall and Spring, 他们需要注册至少6个单元才有资格获得夏季佩尔奖学金.  其他学生 五月 能够在注册少于6个单元的情况下获得夏季佩尔支付.


学生必须在符合条件的AA注册, AS, 转学或皇冠365官方app课程,并符合所有其他联邦资格要求, 包括达到令人满意的学术进步(SAP)标准. 有关SAP标准的更多信息,请访问 令人满意的学业进展 页面.

The maximum lifetime eligibility for Pell Grant is the equivalent of receiving full-time Pell Grant funds for 6 full years (fall and spring). 这可以追溯到学生第一次获得佩尔助学金.


这是一个联邦政府资助的拨款项目. CR对这个项目的资助有限,所以学生应该尽早提交他们的FAFSA. SEOG优先授予最需要的符合条件的学生. 资格由FAFSA自动确定.



学生必须在符合条件的AA注册, AS, 转移, 或皇冠365官方app课程,并满足所有其他联邦资格要求, 包括达到令人满意的学术进步(SAP)标准. 有关SAP标准的更多信息,请访问 令人满意的学业进展 页面.

These grants are awarded by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC); only California residents are eligible. The Cal Grant B and Cal Grant C programs are available to students enrolled at CR (Cal Grant A is only available at CR for students with qualifying dependents, 由CSAC决定).

学生必须完成FAFSA或CA梦想法案申请(CADAA)才能申请. 这个项目也需要GPA认证. 如果你在CR完成了至少16个单元,你的CR GPA将以电子方式提交给CSAC. 如果你是CR的新手,最近刚从CA高中毕业, 你的高中会将你的GPA提交给CSAC. 加州大学助学金计划的初始GPA提交截止日期为3月2日. 9月2日是加州社区学院学生提交补充材料的截止日期.


学生应该在 学生网上助学金 website to view updates or make changes to their Cal Grant information with the California Student Aid Commission.

我能丢掉Cal Grant吗?

学生必须注册符合条件的课程,并满足所有其他资格要求, 包括达到令人满意的学术进步(SAP)标准. 关于SAP标准的更多信息可以在满意的学术进展页面上找到.

加州学生援助委员会也可以因各种原因撤销学生的加州助学金. 欲了解更多信息,请联系加州学生援助委员会(888)224-7268.

The Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG) is a California state-funded program that provides additional funding for students who are enrolled full-time (12+ units) per term and are awarded Cal Grant B or C. Eligibility for the SSCG is evaluated at the time of disbursement of the Cal Grant B or Cal Grant C award. 由于国家对该奖项的资助有限,当学生符合资格时,将发放该奖项.


为了符合SSCG的资格,学生必须注册至少12个单元或更多, have applied for financial aid through the submission of a FAFSA or CADAA prior to the CSAC deadline for Cal Grants (March 2 or September 2), 曾获CSAC颁发的Cal Grant B或C, 保持令人满意的学业进步.


适用于12-14年级学生.在发放卡尔奖助金B或卡尔奖助金C时,有99个单位, 奖金最高为1美元,每学期298.


在Cal Grant B或Cal Grant C发放时注册15个以上单元的学生, 奖金最高为4美元,每学期000元.

The California Chafee Grant is a federal and state funded program that provides cash aid for current or former California foster youth who were in foster care for at least 1 day between the 年龄s of 16 and 18, 并且在颁奖年度的7月1日还没有满26岁生日. 欲知详情,请按此: http://chafee.csac.ca.gov/

These grants are available to qualified Native American students through tribal or federal BIA funding. 要申请,学生应该联系他们的部落办公室申请表格. 此外,FASFA必须完成. 每年的奖励金额各不相同. 学生可以联系他们部落的教育官员获取更多信息. 点击这里查看 部落首领名录.



奖学金是一种不需要偿还的礼物援助. 他们通常根据学业成绩等因素获得奖励, 人才, 运动能力, 或者研究领域. 点击上面的“奖学金”链接或 请按此浏览我们的奖学金办公室网页 更多地了解他们的资源.



这些联邦贷款必须偿还. 一般来说,在你不再注册至少6个学分后6个月开始还款. Students must first have their eligibility for other types of aid determined and then 五月 start applying for loans by following the loan application process. 使用上面的“直接贷款”链接或 点击这里 了解更多关于我们处理的贷款类型以及如何在线申请.




该项目为学生提供校内工作. Eligibility is determined through the FAFSA and students must also meet District student worker requirements.

  • Interested students should complete the FAFSA and all follow-up paperwork requested from the 金融援助 Office. You must have a Federal Work-Study Offer on your award letter before applying for a work-study position. 招聘信息发布在 握手. Use the menu options at the top of the job board to filter the list to show the Federal Work Study positions. 一旦他们收到了录取通知书, 学生应该联系他们感兴趣的部门开始申请.
  • 每年的奖金从500美元到3000美元不等. 小时工资率取决于职位.
  • Additional information regarding career opportunities and resources that 五月 be used to help cover education related expenses can be found be visiting 华润的就业中心资源.



取决于学生的资格, 他们可能有资格通过一些特殊项目获得额外的援助和帮助. 每个项目都有自己的申请和资格标准. 请使用下面的链接来探索不同的可用程序. 如有疑问,请与各部门联系.


关怀法案- HEERF紧急基金
